I think beeing a child is easy and fun! You can do what you want and enjoy life. Beeing a teenager is also cool. You feel free, but have responsibilities such as studing at school and helping parents. Beeing adult, I think, is awsome. You can do whatever you like, depending on your mood and wishes, but you need to go to work on the weekdays to earn money for a living and supporting your family. So, I'm a teenager and I like it!
I think beeing a child is easy and fun! You can do what you want and enjoy life. Beeing a teenager is also cool. You feel free, but have responsibilities such as studing at school and helping parents. Beeing adult, I think, is awsome. You can do whatever you like, depending on your mood and wishes, but you need to go to work on the weekdays to earn money for a living and supporting your family. So, I'm a teenager and I like it!