вторник, 20 декабря 2016 г.

Стихотворение для запоминания английских неправильных глаголов.
Я в буфете buy-bought-bought (покупать)
Первоклассный бутерброд,
За него я pay-paid-paid, (платить)
В классе в парту lay-laid-laid (класть)
И совсем не think-thought-thought, (думать)
Что сосед его умнет.
И теперь мне очень грустно -
Smell-smelt-smelt он очень вкусно! (пахнуть)
Глянь, рогатку Баламут
В свой кармашек put-put-put (положить)
И begin-began-begun (начинать)
Хулиганить хулиган!
Он подушку cut-cut-cut, (резать)
Брата в ванной shut-shut-shut, (закрывать)
Все газеты light-lit-lit, (поджигать)
Собачонку hit-hit-hit. (бить)
Он соседу ring-rang-rung (звонить)
И, конечно, run-ran-run. (бежать)
И совсем не think-thought-thought, (думать)
Что милиция придет.
Dig-dug-dug мы огород, (копать)
Come-came-come туда народ. (приходить)
Мы сказали: "Go-went-gone, (идти, уходить)
Это вам не балаган".
Мы с врагами fight-fought-fought, (драться, сражаться)
Их в ловушку catch-caught-caught. (ловить, поймать)
День удачу bring-brought-brought, (приносить)
Мы награду get-got-got. (получать)
Если зайцев bite-bit-bitten, (кусать)
Не давать им eat-ate-eaten, (есть)
Они скоро learn-learnt-learnt (учиться)
Лихо спички burn-burnt-burnt. (зажигать)
Если друга meet-met-met, (встречать)
Его крепко keep-kept-kept. (держать)
Ну, а если lose-lost-lost, (терять)
То того он cost-cost-cost. (стоить)
Самолеты fly-flew-flown. (летать)
Наши дети grow-grew-grown. (расти)
Ну, а ветер blow-blew-blown, (дуть)
Обо всем он know-knew-known. (знать)
Дед и бабка find-found-found (находить)
Пса породы бассет-хаунд.
Очень близок старикам
Пес become-became-become. (становиться)
Give-gave-given дед ему (давать)
Дорогую бастурму -
Надо ж псину feed-fed-fed (кормить)
Чем-то вкусным на обед!
Себе же сала и котлет
Старики не let-let-let. (позволять)
Нынче бабушка и дед
Жизнь другую lead-led-led: (вести)
Дед с улыбкой дремлет в ванне,
Бабка dwell-dwelt-dwelt в чулане, (обитать)
Пес в кровати lie-lay-lain, (лежать)
Прямо как Саддам Хусейн.
Мы break-broke-broken старый дом - (ломать)
Очень скучно было в нем.
Новый дом мы draw-drew-drawn, (рисовать)
Build-built-built - и заживем. (строить)
Show-showed-shown быстрей мне свет! (показывать)
Светит солнце или нет?
"Shine-shone-shone, - ответил ты. - (светить)
See-saw-seen до темноты". (видеть)
Say-said-said и повтори: (говорить)
"Swim-swam-swum мы до зари, (плавать)
Spring-sprang-sprung с тобой мы в воду (прыгать)
Невзирая на погоду".
Read-read-read ученый кот (читать)
Дни и ночи напролет.
Tell-told-told и sing-sang-sung (рассказывать) (петь)
Небылицы по ночам.
Я ride-rode-ridden очень рад (ехать верхом)
Leap-leapt-leapt на маскарад. (скакать, прыгать)
Если маску take-took-taken, (брать)
Вы mistake-mistook-mistaken, (ошибаться)
Не узнаете меня
И не стащите с коня.
Spell-spelt-spelt любое слово. (произносить по буквам)
Speak-spoke-spoken его снова. (говорить)
Sweep-swept-swept из избы сор, (заметать)
Hang-hung-hung в избе топор. (вешать, висеть)
Throw-threw-thrown гранаты ловко, (бросать, выбрасывать)
Set-set-set на пол винтовку, (ставить, устанавливать)
Shoot-shot-shot прицельно, метко, (стрелять)
Только не убей соседку.
Lend-lent-lent врачу копейку: (одалживать)
Он mean-meant-meant купить индейку, (иметь в виду, подразумевать)
Sell-sold-sold ее за трешку, (продавать)
Send-sent-sent друзьям матрешку. (посылать)
Hear-heard-heard оркестр прекрасный, (слышать)
Feel-felt-felt испуг напрасный, (чувствовать)
Fall-fell-fallen не стремись, (падать)
Rise-rose-risen и разберись. (подниматься, вставать)
Wear-wore-worn перо на шляпу. (носить)
Write-wrote-written для нас кантату. (писать)
Have-had-had простой девиз, (иметь)
Win-won-won солидный приз. (выигрывать).
Drink-drank-drunk ужасно много (пить)
Наш соседский дядя Гога,
Он forget-forgot-forgotten (забыть)
Про семью и про работу,
Потому что have-had-had (иметь)
Он ужасно много бед.
Он такое do-did-done, (делать)
Когда очень сильно пьян!
Как-то раз он fall-fell-fallen(падать)
Прямо с нашего балкона,
Write-wrote-written на стене, (писать)
Ride-rode-ridden на слоне, (ехать верхом)
А однажды break-broke-broken (ломать)
В нашем доме восемь окон,
А недавно bite-bit-bitten (кусать)
У подъезда тетю Виту.
Я sleep-slept-slept и вижу сон: (спать)
Только что я bear-bore-born. (родиться)
Stand-stood-stood веселый поп, (стоять)
Толоконный его лоб!
Shake-shook-shaken бородой, (трясти)
Рассуждает сам с собой:
Сей ребенок strike-struck-struck, (ударять)
А, быть может, sink-sank-sunk. (тонуть)
Spend-spent-spent он время зря, (проводить)
Freeze-froze-frozen его я. (замораживать)
Leave-left-left я край родной. (покидать, оставлять)
Choose-chose-chosen дом другой, (выбирать)
О котором dream-dreamt-dreamt, (мечтать)
А теперь уж hold-held-held. (владеть)
Если ты уж wake-woke-woken, (просыпаться)
Drink-drank-drunk простую воду, (пить)
Do-did-done свою зарядку, (делать)
Make-made-made прополку грядки. (делать)
Drive-drove-driven машину споро. (водить)
Hide-hid-hidden еще не скоро. (прятаться, прятать)
Никому не hurt-hurt-hurt, (причинять боль)
Там, глядишь, и повезет.
Клад искал один чудак,
Целый месяц dig-dug-dug, (копать)
Find-found-found наконец (находить)
Металлический ларец
И, конечно, think-thought-thought, (думать)
Что богато заживёт.
Take-took-taken он топор (брать)
И сорвал с ларца запор.
Перед тем, как открывать,
Go-went-gone домой поспать, (идти)
И всю ночь во сне чудак
Drive-drove-driven кадиллак, (управлять, водить)
Eat-ate-eatten ананасы (кушать, есть)
И копчёные колбасы,
Fly-flew-flown в облаках, (летать)
Keep-kept-kept свой клад в руках, (держать)
Spend-spent-spent на ветер деньги, (тратить)
Build-built-built себе фазенды.(строить)
Но awake-awoke-awoked (просыпаться)
Он ни слова speak-spoke-spoken, (говорить)
Run-ran-run во весь опор, (бежать)
Find-found-found в ларце...топор (находить)

суббота, 30 апреля 2016 г.

Задания для 6 "С" класса на время отъезда на соревнования

Fill in the spaces with either present simple, past simple or present continuous.

Dear Mary

How are you. I (1)  (receive) your letter last week. Thank you for the recipe for the cake I (2)  (ask) for. I made it last week and it (3)  (be) very nice. I now (4)  (have) a new job in a supermarket in the city centre.I go there every day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and (5)  (work) there till 10 o'clock in the evening. I am very happy because my sister (6)  (work) there too so we travel to and from work together. I (7)  (get) my first wages last week and I went shopping immediately! I (8)  (buy) a new stereo for my bedroom. It is gold and black and (9)  (look) very nice. My brother (10) (come) to stay with me for a few days next week. He (11)  (arrive) on Saturday so I am going to collect him from the station. After I collect him, we are going to that Mexican restaurant near the park. (12)  (you/want?) to come with us? You can (13)  (call) me to tell me if you want to come or not. John told me that you (14)  (pass) your Spanish exam last month. Congratulations. (15)  (be?) difficult? You know that I (16)  (be) terrible at languages but you are better. (17) (you/go?) to visit Spain for your next holiday so you can practice it?
Please write to me soon with all your news, Mary.
All the best

Supply the correct tense of the verb. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1.     Every day Mary  (clean) her room.
2.    At the moment Mary  (sweep) the floor.
3.    Yesterday Mary  (wash) the dishes.
4.    Peter and Ann usually  (help) their mother.
5.    The children  (rake) all the leaves last year.
6.    Right now they  (walk) the dog.
7.    We  (take) out the trash every week.
8.    They  (wash) the windows today.

 1.     Look! Nina  (iron) the laundry.
2.    My parents always  (clean) up the closet.
3.    Listen! Mark  (do) the dishes!
4.    Sonya  (fold) the laundry three weeks ago.
5.    Every winter we  (decorate) the house.
6.    At the moment she  (work) in the garden.
7.    Last Christmas they  (cook) a tasty cake.
8.    She  (work) in the garden every spring.

 1.     My sister  (sweep) the floor now.
2.    We  (study) at school.

3.    Parents  (love) their children.

4.    My granny  (make) a surprise for my last birthday.
5.    My granny  (make) a surprise for my birthday every year.
6.    Right now they  (eat) soup.
7.    Look! the child  (dust) the furniture!
8.    Mother  (mop) the floor on Tuesdays.
9.    We  (water) the grass two years ago.

И дополнительное задание можно скачать, пройдя по ссылке: 


суббота, 23 апреля 2016 г.

Текст для чтения для 6 "С" класса

Captain Pike.
It was a dark and quiet night near the port, where all of the pirate ships stay before they sail. There were no lights on the street, and the only sounds were the laughing and singing behind the closed door of a bar called The Blue Dolphin. A man wearing a black pirate hat opened the door of the Blue Dolphin. He had a black patch over one eye and a scar on one side of his face. Everyone suddenly became quiet. A sailor at the bar asked the barman:
"Who's that?"
"That is Captain Pike, the greatest pirate in all over the world. They say he's stolen from the Queen of England, the King of France and the King of Spain."
Captain Pike walked slowly around the tables looking closely at each man with his cold, grey eye. He had a very serious and cold way of talking.
"I'm looking for sailors and I need the best there are around."
A big man in a white and blue shirt with a blue scarf around his neck stood up in front of Captain Pike.
"You won't find anyone stronger than I am, Captain. Tell me where to put my name and I'm ready to sail."
Captain Pike looked into the man's eyes. His eyes were blue like the sea. Captain Pike's eye became narrower as he talked to the man.
"I'm sailing to the Bermuda Triangle to get Blackbeard's treasure."
The man in front of him slowly sat down. Others began to whisper. The barman said to the sailor:"Nobody has ever found Blackbeard's treasure. They say it was lost somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. All
those who have tried to find it have never returned."
Captain Pike continued to walk among the men. He knew it would be difficult to find men to go with him, so he talked about the treasure to excite them.
"They say there are diamonds as big as your nose; rubies, gold, pearls. Blackbeard was a pirate like us. It's in our blood. I'm sure he would want other pirates to have it."
Suddenly a loud scream came from a dark corner near the stairs. A very old man with thin white hair and a shining gold tooth walked out from the darkness to talk to the men. A large white bird sat on his shoulder.
"You don't know what you're saying! That treasure must always stay with Blackbeard's ghost, on his ship. It is his punishment for hurting the natives of the islands. Go to Rum Island. The natives there will tell you the story."
Captain Pike looked down at the man, angry because he was trying to start trouble. He wanted to kill the man with his knife, but instead he reached into his coat and took a bag full of gold coins out of his pocket. He put it on one of the tables next to a long white piece of paper he had.
"I've got one hundred gold coins here. I'll give one to every man that puts his name on this piece of paper and sails with me tomorrow, at midnight."
The men forgot what the old man said when they saw the gold coins. They ran to sign their names. Captain Pike stared at the old man once more. The old man looked at him too, and left the bar with his bird. Captain Pike yelled to the bartender:

"Bartender! Drinks for everyone! We'll sail tomorrow."

четверг, 7 апреля 2016 г.

Хотите увидеть МКС невооруженным глазом?

Траектория МКС на этой неделе проходит над европейской частью территории России. Это означает, что жители страны смогут увидеть самый яркий искусственный спутник Земли невооруженным глазом.
Рассчитать время пролета МКС над своим городом можно на сайте www.heavens-above.com.
Для этого надо выбрать свое местоположение на панели в правом верхнем углу, а затем на главной странице указать объект, который вы хотите наблюдать – МКС.

Безоблачное небо - залог успеха! До 11 апреля 2016 года МКС будет пролетать так, что ее можно будет без труда заметить!

Текст для чтения. 7 класс

Olympic Games.

In 2005, the International Olympic Committee selected London as the host city for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Summer Games. London had also hosted the Olympic games in 1908 and 1948. Athletes and spectators from around the world will gather during July, August and September to celebrate summer sporting excellence. The Games, along with the region's spectacular natural playground and its vibrant venues such as the Olympic Park, Wembley Stadium, Wimbledon, The Mall, Riverbank Arena, Olympic Stadium, Aquatics Centre, etc. will put London in the spotlight as a premier sporting destination.

The Olympic Opening Ceremony for the London 2012 Games will be done at the Olympic Stadium where her majesty the Queen will be greeted by the President of the IOC at the entrance of the stadium as the Head of State of the Host Country. Then we will see a procession of the participating teams into the stadium, nation by nation. Teams enter in alphabetical order, according to the language of the Host County, apart from the Greek team, which enters first for the Olympics, and the team of the Host Nation(in this case Great Britain), who march in last.

London will host the following Olympic and Paralympics events
-The 26 Olympic sports at London 2012 will be aquatics, archery, athletics, badminton, basketball, boxing, canoe and kayak, cycling, equestrian, fencing, gymnastics, handball, hockey, judo, modern pentathlon, rowing, sailing, table tennis, triathlon, volleyball, weightlifting, wrestling among others. These games will take place in 28 venues.

-The 20 Paralympics sports at London 2012 will be boccia, football, goalball,paralympic archery, paralympic athletics, paralympic cycling, paralympic equestrian , paralympic judo, paralympic powerlifting, paralympic rowing, paralympic shooting, paralympic swimming, paralympic table tennis, volleyball, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing,wheelchair rugby, wheelchair tennis which will take place in 21 venues.

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games will be held in London from 27 July to 12 August 2012, followed by the 2012 Paralympics Games from 29 August to 9 September .There will be 5,500 Olympic athletes and officials. Over 205 countries are expected to participate in 305 events at the Olympic Games and over 147 countries will take part in the Paralympics.

воскресенье, 20 марта 2016 г.

Текст к презентации The World From My Window_Brief Overview

It’s not much to talk about when you live far from the historical centre of our beautiful city St. Petersburg. But there are some interesting facts to tell you.
When I look out of my window. When I looked out of my window I can see many new buildings and I can see Badaeva street, named in hounour of the soviet statesman Badaeva on 3th of March. St. Isaac's cathedral, Finland bridge, Ladoga railway station were seen from my window but now they are far behind the new houses.
There is a pension fund and two fields where people walk with their dogs. Next to the house there is a kids’ playground.
I live near the Park of Military glory which was opened in 2011. People like to walk there in summer and winter.
Next to the park there is a water sports center, which was also opened at the end of 2011. My friends and I love to go there to swim.
Sport plays important role in our life and there is a big skating rink near my house. Children and parents like to skate there.
There is an ice arena near my house. We often go there to see hockey matches or concerts. It was founded for playing hockey in 2000, but there are also concerts, exhibitions and conferences held there.

I’d like to see more interesting places near my house, not so many cars, but if we try to find something, we’ll be succeeded for sure. That’s it.

среда, 9 марта 2016 г.

Чтение для 7-ых классов.

The Cool School

Love the arts? Fanatical about films? Mad about music? The Brit school just outside London in the UK is a place where lots of kids fulfil their greatest dreams.

If you want fame
When people ask you what you want to be in the future, they seem pleased if you say 'a doctor' or 'financial consultant'. But if you say 'an actor' or 'a dancer' or 'a DJ' they often laugh and say 'no chance!' The Brit School takes such ambitions seriously: everything is done to make sure talented kids fully explore their passion for the creative arts.
What you study there
The Brit School centres its studies on the performing arts. Singing, dancing, acting, music, theatre, TV and film production are all on the curriculum, as well as academic subjects like maths and English. The staff stress the importance of continuing academic studies. Students enter the school when they are 14 and 16. There is a strict selection process because there is a lot of competition for each place. Entrants at 14 have an interview, and at 16 there is also an audition. The procedure is tough because the school is Britain's only non fee-paying entertainment school.
Different from ordinary school
The main thing that makes the Brit School like other schools is that it takes academic study seriously. But in other ways, the atmosphere could not be more different. The teachers are called 'guides' and speak to the kids in a more informal way than many are used to. There are no uniforms and no bell at the end of the lesson. The school also makes sure that no one lives more than an hour away from the school so they don't get too tired. This is important because having lessons in radio production, theatre and video-recording as well as regular lessons is very hard work. The terms are eight weeks long, with 2-week breaks in between and only four weeks in the summer, so it involves much more attendance than an ordinary school.
How the kids feel about it 
Everyone who goes there is incredibly enthusiastic about it. Even though the school's curriculum and hours make it very demanding for them, they don't mind. Monique, 18, said she found it a bit strange at first because it was so unlike her old school. "Everyone seems so creative here so I don't stand out much. Everyone's an individual, independent and single-minded and we don't all wear the same sort of clothes." Most of the students are outgoing, and shy students say that being there makes them more confident. 

Задания по чтению для 6 "С" класса. Готовимся к ответам на вопросы по ВСЕМ трем текстам!

6th form
Reading A

My Family by Kostas Dimitriou
Our surname is Dimitriou. We are from Rhodes in Greece. My mother’s name is Katerina. She is a translator. She is thirty-eight. Mum’s favorite film star is Brad Pitt. My Dad is a doctor. His name is Nikos and he is forty years old. His favourite pop stars are UZ. Dad’s favourite music is not Frank Sinatra!
My sisters are Maria and Eleni. Maria is thirteen and Eleni is ten. Maria’s favourite pop star is Mariah Carey. Eleni’s favourite is Robbie Williams.
I am sixteen. I am a student. My favourite pop star is Britney Spears. Britney’s music is great!

Reading B

My name’s Tony and I’m thirteen. I live in Australia. Our farm is very far from the town of Alice Springs. I get up at 7.00 a.m. I have breakfast with my mother. My father doesn’t eat with us – he works on our farm.
I don’t go out to school. From Mondays to Fridays I study at home. Every week, I have three radio lessons from a school in Alice Springs. I don’t have a teacher at home, but I study from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. every school day. I use my computer and I ask my teacher questions in emails.
I don’t study in the afternoon, or on Saturdays and Sundays. After my lessons, I phone my friends and I play computer games. In the evening, we eat at 7 p.m. We watch TV for an hour. We go to bed at 9 p.m. – we get up early every day.

Reading C

Dear Ann,
Thank you for asking me to come and visit you and your family next month. It is a great idea.

I am really interested in visiting new places. I like museums and old churches very much. I also like visiting art galleries – there are so many fascinating things to see there. I know there is one in your town. Can we visit it? You say that there isn’t a sports centre in your town but is there a swimming pool? I enjoy swimming a lot and I love diving. Is there also a place to eat fish and chips? Fish and chip shops are great!

 The only problem is that I don’t know what to take with me: warm shoes, a jumper, boots? What’s the weather like in your area? In my town it rains a lot and that’s why I always carry an umbrella with me. And what about other things? For example, a camera?

Please send me a leaflet about your town and a street map.

One last question – how old is your sister, Gina? I want to bring her a present. Would she like the new Destiny’s Child CD?

See you soon!
