Существуют противоположные мнения о цирке, в представлениях которого участвуют животные. Предлагаю вашему вниманию две точки зрения.
people go to circuses because they love animals and can’t wait to see
elephants, big cats, and other wild animals under the big top. But the
truth is that circuses are no fun for
animals! The crowds, bright lights, loud noises, and constant travel
are confusing and stressful to these animals. Think about it: Just because you
might want to run away and join the circus, don’t you think that elephants
would rather bathe in the river, that tigers would rather lie in the shade, and
that monkeys would rather cuddle their babies and hang out in the trees?
in circuses have everything that is natural and important to them taken away
from them, and worse yet, they are beaten and forced to perform silly tricks
for our entertainment. The truth is, if you love ♥ animals, you should
never go to the circus!
break up families and separate baby elephants from
their mothers because younger animals are easier to control.Elephants, Bears,
tigers, chimpanzees,
and other
animals are also controlled through fear and physical abuse. Trainers
use electric prods, whips, chains, and intimidation to control these beautiful,
powerful animals and force them to perform unnatural and confusing tricks.
Seriously, when have you ever seen a bear riding a bicycle in the
wild or lions jumping
through rings of fire in the jungle?!
sad stuff, right? Want to help these animals? All you have to do is NOT go to the circus—and tell your
friends and family not to, either!
PETA site)
There are many different views on animals, animals
in captivity, and animal rights.
When it comes to animals in the circus, many people are misinformed or simply don't know.
People don't
know exactly where the circus got their animals, so they tend to assume that
they were captured in the wild.
People have not
seen where the animals live when they're not performing, so they might picture
the last circus animal they saw caged in a Hollywood movie and figure that's
how it must be in real life.
People see the
elephants covered in dirt or have dark marks near their eyes, and they hear
protesters screaming about neglect, and doubt creeps in.
Many people,
consciously or unconsciously, apply human expressions, emotions, and traits to
animals (anthropomorphism), not realizing that by doing so they're creating
an imaginary personification/caricature of the animal. People who do this may
look at a circus animal and think, "That animal isn't happy" based on
it's facial expression or other features that have nothing to do with the animal's
It is so
much easier to believe another person's "research" than to do your
own. Protesters are effective because although they don't have all the facts, they are loud, they are emotional, and they are
convinced that they are right. When a protester is throwing disturbing
statistics at you and you have no other source to compare their information to,
it might be hard to think, "this person is wrong".
(Megan from quora.com)
Этот комментарий был удален автором.
ОтветитьУдалитьI think that circuses are not so bad as they may seem. I absolutely sure that circus artists never go in wild to catch their future animal actors. :) They receive them from vet hospitals and some special organizations which help sick animals or animals in need. I like watching colourful perfomances! They are exciting and unforgettable. Animals are looked clean and well-cared of. Children like them a lot. Animal circus is an old tradition and if it had been so awful, it would have been already closed. #Yulia
ОтветитьУдалитьPerhaps,every person hes memoriesof the circus when he or she was a child. Some of such memories fre good, kind and fond and other memories are quite the opposite.
ОтветитьУдалитьThe presence of exotic animals is another important part of the circus. You have an opportunity to take pictures with huge pythons, dancing bears, lions and tigers jumping through fire rings, parrots and monkeys which usually take part in the perfomances of the clowns.What happens on the arena of the circus looks spectacular and exciting.But on the other hand, circus animals spend much time in cages, and the training can sometime be very cruel.Such treatment to animals causes only feelings of grief and regret.
Anyway, though there are some negative features of the circus, popcorn and cotton candy, balls and hula hoops, animals and animal handlers,soap bubbles and clowns make the audience laugh and feel good.
Это Стася Глухова
УдалитьThanks a lot
УдалитьSurely every man heard about circus, and mayde was here least once. Amusing speeches rejoces viewers. 'What may be bad in that?' you may bethink. Though and there are people who disagree this entertainment. In their view it nothing more that rude explotation of animal. Of corse, not each human in this position would be happy of their 'work'. Although it might be exaggeration. Мostly humans not find it in this clue, consinder circus as some exotic cheerful amusement, which convictions I follow.
ОтветитьУдалитьПолуэктова Варвара
УдалитьThanks a lot
УдалитьI think that circus isn't a good occupation for free time activity.
ОтветитьУдалитьI think more better Will go to museum or library and also some people have an allergic for animals.
And I think were some happining when some animals go out from circus at the time of perfomance.
But we can eat candy floss and see clown perfoming tricks.
And in the end I whant to give a quote about acrobat(From acrobat do not require simplicity. His cause is to break.
Sigunov Gleb.
When I was little, we used to go to the circus with our family. There were a lot of animals. From small mice to huge elephants. Also in circuses there are exotic animals. With them you can take a picture and Pat them.
ОтветитьУдалитьBut now think on the other hand, do animals like it? Small animals are taken from their mothers,because they are easier to tame. For disobedience they are beaten and left without food. And all their lives they live in cages. They all want to live in the wild, monkeys want to hang on vines and eat bananas, parrots want to fly around the world, elephants eat grass.
If you are smaller, you do not know how to speak humanly and you have wool, does this mean that you should not live on the will?
Диана Жерноклёва
Удалитьwhen I was little, I rarely went to the circus and I always liked shows with animals. Becoming older, I began to wonder how they survive in such conditions. they constantly train and travel while living their whole life in cells. In this text I saw 2 opinions about the circus and this situation. I believe that in the wild, they may not survive or be unhappy or completely unaware of how to get food and die. In the case when they lived all their lives in the circus and got used to it. I believe that animals in the circuses love and these methods they earn their food toys and all their needs. I think they are animals happy
ОтветитьУдалитьМындра Денис 7с
УдалитьI and my family do not like the circus, of course I was there, but I am not interested. I think this is a mockery of animals. It's beautiful, but the animals had their own life, to the circus. With animals in the circus, I turn very badly. But at the same time there are not only animals in the circus. I loved to look at aerialists. It is very dangerous but very beautiful and interesting. Тая Ткачева 7Б