четверг, 31 января 2019 г.

Комментирование статьи. 7 класс.

Существуют противоположные мнения о цирке, в представлениях которого участвуют животные. Предлагаю вашему вниманию две точки зрения.

Картинки по запросу circusЗадание: Прокомментировать обе точки зрения и высказать свою (приблизительно 8-10 предложений) в комментариях под публикацией.

Many people go to circuses because they love animals and can’t wait to see elephants, big cats, and other wild animals under the big top. But the truth is that circuses are no fun for animals! The crowds, bright lights, loud noises, and constant travel are confusing and stressful to these animals. Think about it: Just because you might want to run away and join the circus, don’t you think that elephants would rather bathe in the river, that tigers would rather lie in the shade, and that monkeys would rather cuddle their babies and hang out in the trees?
Animals in circuses have everything that is natural and important to them taken away from them, and worse yet, they are beaten and forced to perform silly tricks for our entertainment. The truth is, if you love  animals, you should never go to the circus!
Circuses break up families and separate baby elephants from their mothers because younger animals are easier to control.Elephants, Bears, tigers, chimpanzees, and other animals are also controlled through fear and physical abuse. Trainers use electric prods, whips, chains, and intimidation to control these beautiful, powerful animals and force them to perform unnatural and confusing tricks. Seriously, when have you ever seen a bear riding a bicycle in the wild or lions jumping through rings of fire in the jungle?!
Pretty sad stuff, right? Want to help these animals? All you have to do is NOT go to the circus—and tell your friends and family not to, either!
(From PETA site)

There are many different views on animals, animals in captivity, and animal rights.
When it comes to animals in the circus, many people are misinformed or simply don't know.
·         People don't know exactly where the circus got their animals, so they tend to assume that they were captured in the wild.
·         People have not seen where the animals live when they're not performing, so they might picture the last circus animal they saw caged in a Hollywood movie and figure that's how it must be in real life.
·         People see the elephants covered in dirt or have dark marks near their eyes, and they hear protesters screaming about neglect, and doubt creeps in.
·         Many people, consciously or unconsciously, apply human expressions, emotions, and traits to animals (anthropomorphism), not realizing that by doing so they're creating an imaginary personification/caricature of the animal. People who do this may look at a circus animal and think, "That animal isn't happy" based on it's facial expression or other features that have nothing to do with the animal's emotions.
It is so much easier to believe another person's "research" than to do your own. Protesters are effective because although they don't have all the facts, they are loud, they are emotional, and they are convinced that they are right. When a protester is throwing disturbing statistics at you and you have no other source to compare their information to, it might be hard to think, "this person is wrong".
(Megan from quora.com)

понедельник, 21 января 2019 г.

Способы выражения будущего времени. 7 класс

Не забываем о Present Simple для обозначения расписаний и календарных событий:
The train to London leaves at 7 p.m.

Задание для выполнения находится здесь:


среда, 9 января 2019 г.

Capitalised Letters. The Practice and the Exercises. (the 7th Grade)

Для того, чтобы потренироваться перед выполнением упражнения, необходимо пройти он-лайн тест здесь: http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/satz/capital1.htm

Не забывайте убеждаться в правильности выполнения каждого задания!

После тестов переходим к выполнению двух упражнений ниже (письменно).

Электронный вариант заполнения здесь - находим незаполненный вариант и не забываем указывать фамилию и дату! - 


Бумажный жду в классе.


Capitalised Letters. The Rule. (the 7th Grade)


Below are the most important rules for capitalising words in English.

A. Easy rules

Do not capitalise common nouns.

A common noun is the name for the people, places and things around us, such as woman, cat, tree, table, church, air, river, room, etc. Common nouns can also name non-visible 'things' such as idea, luck, happiness, memory, justice, etc.
These words are not capitalised in English (although they are in German).

Capitalise the first person pronoun.

Mary and I are no longer friends.

Capitalise the first word of a sentence

The grammar test was very easy.
Where did you buy your iPad?

Capitalise proper nouns*

* A proper noun is a name that identifies a particular person, place or thing.
The names of peopleThe new student is called Sadako Ishii.
The names of countries and continentsEveryone knows that China is the largest country in Asia.
The names of pet animalsI have a dog called Spot.
The names of towns and citiesMy grandparents live in London.
The names of planetsThe Earth is much smaller than Jupiter.
The names of riversThe longest river is the Nile.
The names of lakesIs there a monster in Loch Ness?
The names of streetsI live in Oak Road.
The names of buildingsHave you ever visited the Sears Tower?
The names of mountainsThe highest mountain is Mount Everest.
The names of businessesI think Apple computers are best.
The names of organisationsMy mother works for the United Nations.
The names of sports teamsDo you like the Lakers?
The names of days/monthsI was born on 2 April 1999, a Monday.
Note: Seasons are not capitalised. E.g., My favourite season is spring.
The names of holidays / festivalsWhich is your favourite holiday: Christmas orEaster?
The names of periods of timeLife was hard and short in the Middle Ages.
The names of religionsThe most common religion in India is Hinduism.
The names of languages / nationalitiesCan you speak Russian?
Note: Languages and nationalities are always capitalised, both when used as nouns and when used as adjectives. (The French are a proud people. - I love French wine.)

Capitalise the first word of direct speech.

My mother asked, "Where have you been?"

B. Harder rules

Capitalise titles that come before names:

I saw President Obama in Macdonalds yesterday.
Have you met Doctor Spock?

.. otherwise do not capitalise them:

Barack Obama is the first black president of the USA.
Spock is a doctor at UCLA.

Capitalise compass points if they are regions:

Do you like living in the South?
There are many car factories in the Northeast

.. but do not capitalise them if they are directions:

I saw a flock of birds heading south.

Capitalise family words when they are titles or substitutes for a person's name:

Just then Mother called me on my iPhone.
The man at the edge of the photo is Uncle Pete.

.. but do not capitalise them if they are preceded by a possessive:

Have you met my mother?
The man at the edge of the photo is my uncle Pete.

Capitalise building words when they are part of a specific building:

I was born in St Martins Hospital.

.. otherwise do not capitalise them:

My brother's in hospital after an accident.

Capitalise brand names:

Our next car will be a Mercedes.

.. but do not capitalise the nouns that follow them:

I got an Acer notebook for my birthday.

Capitalise geographical features when they refer to a specific feature:

The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water on Earth.

.. otherwise do not capitalise them:

Which is the largest ocean?

Capitalise the first word in a piece of direct speech - if the direct speech is a new sentence:

"If you listen, you will learn," the teacher said. "And you will not get a detention."

.. otherwise do not capitalise it:

"If you listen," the teacher said, "you will learn."

Titles of films, books, chapters:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, “Tar Heels Beat Duke 102–96,” Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Capitalize every word in a title except for these:
• the articles a, an, and the
• the conjunctions and, but, for, or, yet, so, and nor
• the words to and as
• all prepositions (short ones such as in and with as well as long ones such as throughout and
Do capitalize any word that is the first or last word of the title or that is the first word after a dash or colon. I love the book The Best Treat of All: A New Puppy to Play With.